Monday, February 29, 2016

Blue Moon

Posted by Mizy Mizearly at Monday, February 29, 2016

Everything went so fast. 

It's new year and then it's 29th February, which we only get to live by every 4 years. But that's not the point because we get to live and grow up each day. 

We did. 

We all want to grow up, so desperate to get there, to grab all the opportunities we can; to live. We're so busy trying to get out of that nest, we don't think about the fact that it's going to be cold out there.

Really freakin' cold. 
Because growing up sometimes means leaving people behind, and by the time we stand on our own two feet, we're standing there 'alone' and I wonder if you ever look up there, is there anyone staring back? 

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