Monday, May 7, 2012

Once again..

Posted by Mizy Mizearly at Monday, May 07, 2012

Okay once again my heart broke into pieces. heyy, why everything seems doesn't fit for me, why is that? Why everyone rejected me. Palui betul. UPU pun tida dapat juga. Balik-balik saya dikecewakan. So maybe, memang masuk Form6 seja lah neh. maybe sana lah seja tempat yang terima saya seadanya T.T. The truth is, I'm sick of people telling me ''It's okay, maybe it wasn't meant for you.  It's okay, maybe there's something better for you. Bukan rezeki kau kali'', and all I can say is ''It's okay. I'm okay. Maybe it's not my luck this time''. Yalah kan, apa lagi mau cakap. 

Hurm, so that's it. Sometimes, you can't have everything you wish for even you really want them. Sometimes, things doesn't go according to what you've plan. You just need a little patient and God will show you his way. I wonder, what else can go wrong..


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