Monday, April 9, 2018

Bachelor Degree in Arts (Music Studies)

Posted by Mizy Mizearly at Monday, April 09, 2018

So last November 2017, I finally had my Convocation at Dewan Canselor, UMS. After studying for 3 years at University Malaysia Sabah (UMS), I finally got my Degree in Music Studies. 

The past 3 years has been a wonderful journey and experience for me, meeting some awesome people and learning a cool new stuff and surely all the experience had taught me a lot; love and friendship

To be honest, I never taught I could finish my study and graduate with a Degree in Arts Field since I always love arts. I couldn't do it without the support from my family, especially my parents who always support me with financial, my lecturer who always have the passion to share their knowledge and of course my friends; my course mate who always there to support, help each other and share their knowledge. Truly, without them I don't think I can make it. 

Bach 2014-2017, missing some of them

After graduating, I only wish that everyone have their successful carrier and successful journey, for whatever they will pursue after this. I wish, we'll get to meet each and everyone again one day. 


MarketingS on April 29, 2019 at 4:38 PM said...

Bagus artikelnya gan.. saya suka baca artikel bagus seperti ini sabung ayam online terbaik

bim on October 11, 2019 at 5:31 AM said...


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